15 Criminally Undermentioned Anime Characters That Are Not Given Enough Love

I am stressed. Extremely stressed. Because I just found out that I have two weeks to a midterm and an exam both of which I haven’t studied … a single thing. I was so stressed I couldn’t eat dinner. What makes things worse is because its my fault for being such a humongous procrastinator. But everybody’s also unsympathetic because … I didn’t have to do the exam. Its not even in my school curriculum, but I signed up for it, thinking I have a brilliant brain that can juggle both words and numbers.

So while my eyes are rolling all about in my head as I eye the numbers, I decide that THAT’S IT. I AM GOING TO WRITE A FRIVOLOUS POST. Hence here it is … 15 Amazing Characters Who Aren’t Given Enough Love. Link it to Valentine’s Day or Week if you want, but to be honest its just me wanting to fangirl about characters that are never given enough attention in the online anime community, whether its due to the anime being not popular enough or other characters in popular anime attracting more attention than them.

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