
For the majority of the posts of this blog (which were published in 2014 to 2016), I was a 22-23 year old university student who is seeking a place on the Internet to express my opinions about anime and manga in general, and basically any other form of media that I have come across.

My initial motivation was to improve my writing skills, but I admit that writing about anime and manga has been more fun than I thought. I used to blog about anime on another blog but nobody was reading it and I soon got tired of it. The fact that I am feeling different now shows that the reason why I am more inclined to write and post now is inspired by none other than the knowledge that there are people reading what I am writing.

So, thank you followers and readers for reading this blog, and I hope you see something you like. Constructive criticism and any opinion is welcomed as long as they are made in good faith.

Yosroshiku onegaishimasu~ and I look forward to talking to all of you 🙂

Edit as of 2021: To be updated as soon as practicable


All graphic content (“Graphic Material”) including graphics, icons, still and moving images, sound recordings, musical compositions, audiovisual works and software used on this site belong to their respective owners. Where possible the appropriate accreditation is given. I do not claim ownership to such Graphic Material and copyright infringement is not intended.

133 thoughts on “About

    • Oh wow, I didn’t know that. I thought I read something mentioning that you were in high school or something … thinking now its a little strange where I got that impression from 😮
      Thanks a lot! Though I am really behind on all these nominations haha. >< I'll have to ask for your patience haha.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh no, I already graduated from high school couple of years ago. I am currently in a university and taking creative writing classes 🙂
        You’re welcome on the nominations. Take as much time you need. There is no rush and I will happily wait 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ah I see, then we should be around the same age then ^^ it’s always great to see people around my age that are still enjoying anime. The more the merrier 😀
        Thanks for understanding 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha that’s cool to know 😀 I want to say the same for myself too! But since this is only my fourth year watching anime, I think what I say now can’t count for much xD
        Hahaha I see, you are indeed younger than me, but just by four months :p but same academic year I suppose! xD

        Liked by 1 person

      • Wow this your fourth year of watching anime. That is pretty interesting. I hope you continue on watching more and enjoy what it offers :D.
        Yeah, I need to wait a little longer until I am the same age as you. Also, this is my 4th year in college. So, I guess we are in the same academic year. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • I also hope that my interest in anime sustains into the long term – and that’s indirectly hoping that better anime are produced to lock me in 😉
        Great! Its also great to know that even while we are nearing the end of college days (i.e. busy days), we are still watching anime and blogging about it. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well since this is 4th year, I think whatever you are doing, I think you should keep it up. Be on the look out for any anime with positive review if it helps, sometimes the good anime are not always new.
        Even when I get busy at school, I try to continue watching anime and blog and chat with friends. Work hard, play hard, but work hard first XD

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      • Haha yes I do know that. Especially after binge-watching a lot of 2015 anime at one go, I realized that in the end, I can’t wait to dive into older anime xD
        Haha I completely agree, interaction is fun and anime is awesome and all, but we have to have our priorities straight 😉 That’s why I didn’t blog much over the past year haha, real life got too busy xD

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      • I used to binge in the summer but not much in the fall. With me in college, I haven’t been watching much online lately. I have been busy writing haha. I agree, school and other priorities are important and we need to remember that haha.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha I see, sounds pretty busy! I used to have more time to binge during summer, but I also usually work so … not much time left. So you write more for classes instead of online (your blog)? Haha its hard to remember that sometimes though, especially when a particular series is very addicting xD

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah usually I have to write essays or flash fiction writing every week. If I get the free time, I blog. I try to squeeze in school and hobby together. Even when I am busy, I try to come back here 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha I see. Since your school work consists of writing a lot I suppose there isn’t that much time for blogging anyway? For me, its because the way I blog is vastly different from what I do in school anyway, so it can serve as something to relax and de-stress me as well 🙂
        Haha yep, I can tell that you’re still here, especially when you reply to comments and stuff like that. For me, blogging conversations are one of the best parts of blogging 😀


      • It’s already the end of the third week and I am feeling quite busy lol. Hopefully, things will slow down in the next weeks. That’s pretty cool that you use blogging to relieve stress. Every time I come here, I forget about my troubles and I enjoy talking about my hobbies and talking to other people. When I am not blogging, I usually visit other sites and respond back to people.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah that would usually be the case. Nevertheless hope you still have the time to come up here sometimes haha. My current semester is more free than the previous one mainly because I know my busy period in advance and its not here for me yet. Its cool too that coming here helps you forget about your troubles 🙂 for me, its more like I get a break from doing something that induces stress (and maybe boredom.) Yep, that’s what I usually do too, when I don’t have the inspiration or energy to write about anything in particular haha.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Wow, I wish my classes were like your semesters. My professors made us get started on the work on the first week haha. It’s also nice to hear that you blog to relax. It’s always good to take breaks once in awhile. Also, I will do my best to come back for you guys. I can’t forget you guys, all of you are awesome people ^^

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh haha I am just extraordinarily freer this semester. I am usually deeply buried in work haha. Not to say I am not busy now, I am just less busy than usual xD
        Haha aww yeah, I feel exactly the same way too. Doesn’t feel good to leave my blog alone for too long xD

        Liked by 1 person

      • Wow that’s interesting. It looks like your schedule is more flexible than before. At least you are doing well in this time in school.
        Yeah, I now have a habit of checking my site often haha. Still, it’s always a pleasure to meet people in these blogs 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haha yep at least I kind of have more free time to manoeuvre around. Yep it’s always a pleasure, though I admit that just reading and commenting on Reader posts amazingly takes up a lot of time. XD

        Liked by 1 person

  1. HELLLOOOOOOO lovely person! :3 I wrote up a post and nominated you, I won’t leave the link because you already read and commented on it 😛 But yes, it’s the One Lovely Blog Award~

    Btw, do you have a twitter?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award! | Alice Goes YOLO

  3. Hi, Shiro!
    Just wanted to tell you I’ve added you to my blogroll, and I’m wondering if that’s okay with you (⌬̀⌄⌬́)
    I love all your posts, and I’m looking forward to more ۹(˒௰˓)۶


  4. Pingback: Superpower tag | Matt-in-the-Hat

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