Shiroyuni is on Twitter!

Yes, Shiroyuni has jumped on the Twitter bandwagon because she needs another social media account to waste more time on.

Anyways, first follow goes to @miyukiobsessed a.k.a. Crimson‘s blog twitter because its just the easiest one to remember for now *wink wink*.

As for the rest of you, I have no idea how to find your Twitter info except for stalking Crimson for now or clicking on Twitter’s suggestions. I mean I could also scroll through each and every one of your blogs but I haven’t found the time yet.

So it means that EITHER I add you guys slowly …

OR you guys could add me first  – @shiroyunime 


That’s all for now. Thinking of making an account too maybe … but meh. One at a time 😀

59 thoughts on “Shiroyuni is on Twitter!

      • Haha yeah I know, its your busy-ness holding you back (I am guessing here). I agree with you though. I mean less than one month ago I just told some people here that I probably wouldn’t get Twitter in the near future, and whooosh! Here I am lol.

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      • It really is. But i always check my blog whenever i have time so i can reply here pretty often. But with watching anime, i can’t do it with the little time i have.
        Well, i’m like that sometimes too. It’s a good thing though coz you can reach more people through Twitter. 🙂

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      • Ah I see. I check my blog relatively often as well so ^^ Yeah, anime sometimes takes up too much time. And the story doesn’t move as fast as manga at times.
        Haha that is true. I also realised that its a good way to have conversations with fellow bloggers here, since its hard to reach out to people through blogs since everybody has stuff they want to write and conversations tend to get rather limited to the content of their posts. Though of course there are exceptions like our convos 😀

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      • I left other social networking sites i have an account on coz there aren’t that much to do. I think i’ll be here in wordpress for good. 😀 Yup, i can read a bunch of manga chapters with the time i use to watch one episode of anime.
        Yeah, wordpress doesn’t support private chats so conversations can be limited. I just noticed that our conversations are really long, lol. I hope your readers/followers doesn’t mind. xD

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      • Ohhh that’s true. I have those social networking sites as well which I can’t be bothered with most of the time, but I don’t leave them because its the only connection I have to RL friends etc. Otherwise I’ll be just really highly dependent on WordPress (and now Twitter) which I think its pretty unhealthy ><

        Yeah that's why most people like to read manga rather than watch anime. Yep that's how it is because its a blog – even though technically there isn't anything stopper users/bloggers/us from say, exchanging more contact details so that we can chat privately, but most people don't actually offer to do that. And it feels like if I do that it seems weird. Idk, I still have trouble deciding whether to ask this from certain people and I am just afraid from being rejected lol.

        Nah its okay. I have a few long convos going on at the same time as well 🙂 Ours isn't that long …. yet. 😀 Besides, I really like long convos haha.


      • I still have a few other sns left. I have a lot before mostly due to friend’s invitations but i can’t tend to all of them so i left the others.
        I prefer to be completely anonymous to some people too so it’s actually quite convenient to have a blog like this. Maybe i can exchange some personal information but not enough for them to know me in person. I may give some, probably, only to those whom i really trust and have been close friends with me for some time. I don’t think i will ask anyone for private convos too, i’m not that bold. xD
        That’s good. I usually don’t mind long convos too. It’s really fun. ^^

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      • Yeah I get that feeling, like you don’t want to have so many social media accounts lying about lol. I actually also highly prefer to be annoymous throughout so that I have this little online space just for myself xD Like I don’t mind emailing or Skyping, and I am more willing to share when the person is far away from me geographically. That may sound a little weird, but its how I work lol. Yeah exactly, I only exchange more private contact info after at least talking to them for half a year or something. xD
        Yeah ikr! ^^ I also like the whole reply – one – message a day system we have. Doesn’t take up too much time, and its not too sporadic either ^^

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      • Yup, it’s too hard to keep many too. It’s really convenient to be anonymous. That’s what i like about it too. And you realize people can like you and be friends with you even without knowing the real, physical you.
        Yup. I like it too coz when i’m busy i don’t have to worry about people thinking i’m too slow to reply, like in real private chats. Haha.

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      • I was very comfortable in the anonymity provided by WP, but then I got Twitter and that was somehow affected lol. As in I start talking more about myself unknowingly and people start to exchange their skype or something on there. It’s both good and bad. Yep, because it’s a connection of our minds 🙂 we tend to have less inhibitions on our thoughts online so when people connect there’s a genuine connection 🙂
        Haha yeah! And there’s no way to check when you are last online and stuff like that, unless the person intends to do a lot of stalking lol.


      • Me too. Yeah, that would be a bit risky if you’re planning to continue your anonymity. Maybe others would suggest meeting irl too. Haha.
        Yup, we get to express our true selves and others won’t bother coz they don’t know who we are. xD
        Haha, that person would need excellent stalking techniques. >.<

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      • Haha tbh as of now, there is already talk in the Twitter-sphere of all the WP bloggers Skype-ing each other. And I have also been asked before to meet up IRL but I don’t think I am ever ready to do that sort of thing though. Lol. My position on this is a little conflicted – I really like everybody here, but I find myself shrinking away at the thought of meeting everybody IRL. And yet if you ask me whether I want to travel the world and meet each blogger one by one, I would love to do it, and will actively plan to. Its weird. xD

        Exactly, and its perhaps that comfort of not knowing who I am that I am able to freely express myself here, and gain enjoyment from doing so. Perhaps this explains my above paragraph xD

        Sure. I wouldn’t doubt that some of them on WP have excellent stalking techniques though. I am pretty sure everybody is the kind where if they really wanted to, they would be able to find out everything and anything about their stalkees. xD

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      • Oh, have you joined them in Skype? I might not agree with meeting irl too. I think i’d like to keep being an online friend to everyone for now. But meeting others and travelling really sounds fun to do. I really love travelling myself so it’s quite problematic if i’d be asked to. I might be easily persuaded but obly if i have the money to travel. xD
        Haha, i can understand that. That might be the case with me too.
        I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, lol. But who knows, maybe i’ll be one of those online stalkers someday too. xD

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      • I added a few of them on Skype, but I don’t think we are ever having the ‘Skype-video-conference-call’ thing xD At the most, I Skype-type to a few of them 🙂 Yeah! Travelling always is fun haha. Except that the majority of these people are in the US and you need to spend lots of time travelling that huge continent just to meet them …. though I agree, money is always the problem. In fact, its the first problem ><

        Haha yeah, I think generally what happens is when you just get generally interested in the online community you are in the people you are interacting with … you get more interested in being an online stalker :p At least, this is what I think. xD

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      • O, i see. It must’ve been fun Skype-typing with them. 🙂 Yup, but if you’re rich you can get to travel to a lot of states and your friend there can tour you to places. xD I’d love that but i’m not rich so it’s impossible. Yup, money rules during those times.
        Haha, yeah i think so too. Some also join other social networking sites which the person they are stalking is in to do more stalking. xD

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      • Haha well we don’t Skype type as much as interact on Twitter in full public view xD That’s true, which is why money is still number one hahaha if I want to ever make that dream a reality lol.
        Oh yeaaa that’s true. I didn’t think of that. Actually, I didn’t go as far as to think that people would stalk to that degree …. o.o

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      • I guess that happens often with online friends. Yup, i really need to be rich soon so i can travel a lot more places.
        I don’t want to think people would actually do that but there are some who do. It must be pretty awkward when you see someone in every sns you have an account on, when you’re not close/ you didn’t invite them to join you there.

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      • Haha lol yeah. I am currently trying to differentiate between my various accounts so that I have some more ‘private’ sns accounts (and I can actually use them) and then the public ones where everybody can just add me but i won’t bother posting anything lol. But yeah well having like so many friends 95% of them whom you aren’t close to kinda makes it awkward to do any public posts on that sort of thing.

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      • Well, that’s a good thing to do. I am doing so myself. I do posts something on my public accounts once in a while. Haha. Back in high school, i always accept friend requests from acquaintances and some familiar people. Now, i don’t accept them but the others are already there and it’s somehow rude to just unfriend them all of a sudden.

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      • Haha I think I do like one post per half a year or something on my public accounts lol. xD
        Aha yeah exactly, that’s all we do in high school (without thinking xD) Exactly, which is why we’re sort of stuck – can’t unfriend but it means we can’t post anything personal either. ><

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      • Haha, at least you’re still posting. But your friends there must have missed you. XD Yup, that’s what happens. And when i can’t post, either i tend to forget about it or leave it permanently.

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      • When i leave an account, it’s always the one with the less friend interactions i have. I give them other ways to reach me too but i don’t really expect them to. Tho it’s gonna be good if they can reach me through other accounts i have. 🙂

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      • Haha I mainly have the same RL people on most of my social media so they can reach me either way 🙂 as for online friends, they mostly have this blog or Twitter haha. Don’t your friends contact you privately or something even though you shut down the social media accounts? 🙂

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      • My online friends from the account i’ve left permanently don’t contact me anymore. They do before but as time went on, they, or should i say ‘we’, stopped . The accounts i have before didn’t stay for a long time anyway so our friendship were also not very stable. Those friends i have in RL are my friends in some of my main accounts so we’re still in contact.

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      • Ah I see. I have only had one other prominent online presence but I mainly left there because the friendships I made there didn’t carry on for long. After a while it got tiring cos I felt like only I was reaching out haha. Yeah that tends to be the case for RL friends. Cos they tend to have more than 1 way to contact you unlike online friends haha.

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      • Oh, i get that feeling sometimes too. The less interaction with other people doesn’t really matter that much to me. It’s the process of reaching out. Added the fact that i’m not one to reach out voluntarily.

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      • We can still use both! Either way, I still like talking you and other bloggers. I will still respond to you no matter what! You want to use WP? I will use it to talk to you. Using Twitter, no biggie. XD 🙂

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      • Haha hi Matt, I came back on here to breathe for a while 🙂 I believe that you will ^^ We can have conversations all over the place but I don’t think it will be confusing because its all different. Hehe :3

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      • Hey Shiroyuni! :). Glad you back here. In a strange way, I miss talking you here :D. Yeah, I agree with you. Doesn’t matter what the conversation is, we can somehow leave a chain of comments. So go ahead, start a topic and I will follow XD.

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      • Heya Matt 😀 Sorry this reply kind of came a week or more late ^^ I miss talking to you here too, even though I am happy with our DMs as well. But I guess this semi-private, semi-public space on WordPress has its own flavour to it as a form of communication ^^ Haha, its hard to think of a topic to talk about when I am asked to think of one though hehe :3 I just know you are having fun on Twitter with Rose and Kira and I can barely follow through all the conversations xD

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      • Hey Shiroyuni :D! it’s okay, as long you hear, everything’s good. Life’s not fun without talking to you :). I enjoy using the DM in Twitter and talking here in WordPress too. At least the good thing with using WP, there is no character limit ^^. Yeah I guess I do enjoy chatting with Kira and Rose but it’s not the same without you. You complete the group :). I guess the topics is out of control lol.

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      • Hehehe well look at this. It’s been 10 days again :p I can’t help but procrastinate at replying to WP comments 😀 Haha I admit sometimes I prefer DMs, since they are on a private channel. But the catch is I tend to forget they exist lol xD
        Isn’t it great? Now Rose is on Twitter more. I think it’s easier to get on Twitter even for those who are busy. 😀 haha yeah the topics are always random lol. And they revolve around what we tweet xD

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      • I never noticed but I am surprised you kept track on the days you have been gone XD. But there’s no rush; you have your reasons :). Yeah with DMs we can talk privately. I enjoying having a one and one convos with you. I can learn so much from you :). Yeah with Rose being here, it is fun chatting altogether. However, it may get crazy with all the group chats :p.


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